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Optimize, boost, maintain and recovery Windows 7 - All-in-One Utility
Optimize, boost, maintain and recovery Windows 7 - All-in-One Utility
WinTuning 7: Optimize, boost, maintain and recovery Windows 7 - All-in-One Utility - Remove «Frequent programs» list
Random tweak: Remove «Frequent programs» list

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Database of WinTuning tweaks Appearance Change window borders width

Change window borders width
WinTuning 7: Optimize, boost, maintain and recovery Windows 7 - All-in-One Utility - Change window borders width
Tweak description
Here you can change the width of window glass border. Logoff or restart to take effect. This tweak affects active user only.

Date of adding to the program

Number of tweak is turned on

Root key in Registry
Path to modified parameter in Registry
\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics
Modified parameter
To clean, speed-up, tweak and optimize Windows 7 use WinTuning. You can download it here

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All tweaks of "Appearance"
      Disable transparent glass
      Disable window animation
      Disable changing frame coloring
      Disable desktop composition experience
      Disable 3D windows switcher (3D Alt + Tab)
      Max number of Flip3D windows
      Change window borders width
      Change your caret size
      Change mouse's wheel scroll rate
      Library background image
      Color for the selection rectangle
      Highlight selection rectangle in color when selecting

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